This is the FOURTH of Steven R. Campbell’s four ‘foundational’ videos that explain the new science on how our brains work— and how he has developed a methodology to help you transform your life for the better with this new way of thinking. If you have not yet watched the first three videos you should do that now. In part 4 he convinces that we do not have to be victims of our feelings –especially when we feel discouraged and feel like we can NOT change our self and our lives. He also reviews the major points of the first four videos and ties it all together for us. Watching these first 4 videos in sequence will give you an understanding–a foundation of knowledge so you can apply Campbell’s working principles to your own situation….and can follow along in subsequent videos on specific subjects such as, “How To lose Weight” or “How to Stop Smoking,” and many others yet to come on Celebrating Act 2.™