John Mariani The Virtual Gourmet: What makes a Master Bartender?

Food and travel writer, John Mariani, publisher of the weekly newsletter, The Virtual Gourmet, never holds back on his opinion about food or service. When it comes to his favorite cocktails he’s easily frustrated by bartenders who can’t make the classics –or anything other than pour beer! He acknowledges not all venues cater to the … Read more

Bill Jordan: It’s Important: DO I Think I’m Old?

You’ve heard the old saw, ‘You’re only as old as you feel”. Baby Boomer-Philosopher, Bill Jordan, creator of the Embrace The Boom Movement, asks us to use a more comprehensive metric: Just how old do you THINK you are? There may be a subtle difference, but despite our physical ailments and limitations we can really … Read more

Is there such a thing as the “A” Table?

Will slipping the maitre d a tip get you a better table? Is it myth or is there any truth to this urban legend? World traveler, restaurant critic and publisher of The Virtual Gourmet newsletter, John Mariani delves into the issue and reveals the actual facts–which you may not like! Get ready! He tells it … Read more

Bill Jordan: Hi-Tech Old School v the Future

If you’re a Baby Boomer or anywhere over 50, it’s easy to remember all the Hi-Tech advancements we’ve seen in our lifetime. Remember 8 Track tapes? or 45 rpm records? There’s thousands of examples. Now think about what our grandchildren will say when they look back upon today’s Tech! Bill Jordan shares his unique and … Read more

John Mariani The Virtual Gourmet: His Radio Show is Eclectic and Fun!

Besides running his free weekly newsletter, The Virtual Gourmet, and writing books, John Mariani also does a weekly radio show. He discusses how it has changed to become more eclectic and yet keep all the fun and intellectual inquisitiveness he has been know for. For more on John Mariani go to And Listen to … Read more

Bill Jordan’s Book is a Great Gift for TEENS!

The popular creator of the ‘Embrace The Boom’ Movement, Bill Jordan, espouses 15 daily ‘practices’ he wants Baby Boomers to know for a more fulfilling life–many of which he wishes he had learned earlier in life. Naturally he’s written a book to spell it out for Baby Boomers. But John of Celebrating Act 2 surprises … Read more

PBS Broadcasts Interview With CelebratingAct2™ Founders

John & I were guests on the PBS show “Everybody With Angela Williamson”.  We were invited to discuss CelebratingAct2™, its conception and what we’re doing to serve our audience of 75 million seniors.  The series host, Dr. Angela Sadler Williamson is an educator, TV host, documentary filmmaker, speaker & author.  We hope you’ll enjoy it.