DrLizMD: Facts On Male Menopause

The founders of Celebrating Act 2™, Art Kirsch and John Coleman, turn to contributing medical expert, Dr Liz Lyster MD for the facts on what many consider to be only a myth: MALE MENOPAUSE! Dr Liz sets the record straight and explains about natural hormone production in the body as well as hormone replacement therapy. … Read more

Re COVID-19: Dr Liz MD on Testing and Statistics

Our Celebrating Act 2™ medical expert, Dr Liz MD, answers questions from founders Art Kirsch and John Coleman to clear us some confusion about the importance of testing and the various types of testing for the COVID-19 virus. Dr Liz, who has a virtual practice and sees clients from all over the country, also talks … Read more

A Doctor’s Perspective and Advice re COVID-19

With her medical practice very close to the virus’ hot spot in the SF Bay area, Dr. Liz reports one physician’s perspective of our society’s response to the pandemic. Besides some excellent information about COVID-19 and updates on testing our regular contributor to CelebratingAct2™ offers he own brand of advice for healthy living during our … Read more

COVID-19, What are ‘Underlying Health Issues’?

To clear up any misunderstandings about the Corona Virus, and so we can each better assess our individual risk for COVID-19, Dr Liz Lyster, MD explains to Celebrating Act 2™ co-founders, Art Kirsch and John Coleman just what is meant by “Underlying Health Issues,” often referred to in warnings about the Corona Virus. Dr.Liz points … Read more

Nutritional Supplements for Optimum Health

Dr Liz MD, one of Celebrating Act 2™’s regular expert contributors, discusses maximizing our overall health with the use of supplements. Co-Founders Art Kirsch and John Coleman differ in their approach to vitamins and supplements but Dr Liz explains which supplements she recommends to her patients and why. Being a physician, she can formulate her … Read more

COVID-19 Practice Positivity Not Anxiety

Contributing expert, Dr Liz MD tells Celebrating Act 2 that while we need to protect ourselves from the Corona Virus we can’t let ourselves have an extreme reaction to the fear it can engender. Anxiety is actually related to stress, she explains to Celebrating Act 2™’s Art Kirsch and John Coleman. And anxiety and fear … Read more

Dr Liz Lyster discusses the H word

Dr. Liz Lyster is an OB/GYN medical doctor, best-selling author and speaker, and an expert in perimenopause and menopause. In her private practice in the San Francisco Bay area, she helps women and men in midlife and beyond lose weight, have more energy, increase their motivation and drive, and generally feel great. She graduated from … Read more


As one of the leading research centers in the US dedicated to Alzheimer’s and Dementia, UCI Mind is at the forefront in finding a cure. In this segment, two of the institute’s top researchers, Megan Witbracht, Ph.D., Associate Project Scientist, and Elizabeth Sosa, Ph.D., Registered Psychologist, discuss how they work with patients and families and … Read more

Alzheimer’s Or Just ‘Senior Moments’ ?

If you’re worried about Alzheimer’s or dementia in yourself or your loved one you will often wonder about those little “Senior Moments.” How serious are they? Are they related to Alzheimer’s? An early warning sign perhaps? In this video, UCI MIND Associate Project Scientist, Megan Witbracht, Ph.D. and Registered Psychologist, Elizabeth Sosa, Ph.D., discuss the … Read more

Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Reducing Risk

Psychologist, Elizabeth Sosa, Ph.D., discuss the causes. These top researchers go through both genetic and lifestyle influences and list a number of helpful things one can do to reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer’s.