5 Great Heath Tips for SUMMER!

It’s that time of year when all we want to do is relax…and the time of year when our general health goes downhill! Dr Liz has 5 easy tips for maintaining your health during the summer. Follow these and you’ll not only be healthier come Fall, you’ll probably enjoy the summer more as well!

DrLizMD: Advocate For Yourself With Your Doctor

The doctor-patient relationship has changed over the years and it’s more important than ever to be your own best advocate when dealing with any medical situation. Dr. Liz MD discusses with Art Kirsch and John Coleman of Celebrating Act 2™ just what that means and why it’s so important–both from the patient’s perspective and from … Read more

DrLizMD: About Hot Flashes!

What are they? Where do they come from? Are they a symptom of something more serious than menopause? Hot Flashes are frequently talked about but often misunderstood. Dr. Liz explains in detail what you need to know. It’s a fascinating discussion.

DrLizMD: Toxins Disrupt Your Hormones!

As Dr. Liz explains to Art Kirsch and John Coleman of Celebrating Act 2™, toxins are all around us–we can even create them internally with conditions such as stress! Because toxins are like a poison, among the damage they can do is disrupt our body’s ability to make hormones which help to regulate a healthy … Read more

Is Covid-19 A Racial Issue?

Contributing Expert Dr. Liz MD also has a degree in Public Health so she explains to Art Kirsch and John Coleman of Celebrating Act 2™ about the data gathered from months of dealing with the COVID-19 virus and what it reveals about minorities being disproportionately impacted. The discussion centers around the fact that while there … Read more

DrLizMD: Hormones and Relationships

Dr Liz answers questions about how our hormones affect our relationships. Of course any discussion of hormones involves talk of menopause—the most dramatic change in our hormones. But this is not just for women. Dr Liz explains to Art Kirsch and John Coleman of Celebrating Act 2™ that so many of our hormones influence us … Read more

Dentistry in the Age of COVID-19

Dentists were among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 shut down! We don’t think of our Dentist as a ‘small business’ but most are! They’re unfortunately at the bottom of the Healthcare list–behind doctors, hospitals, first responders etc. Veteran dentist, Dr Ed Prus DDS, shares the plight of most dentists and what YOU as a … Read more

DrLizMD: Value of Testing For COVID-19

Dr. Liz explains the value of testing for the corona virus to Art Kirsch and John Coleman of Celebrating Act 2™. She goes into the different types of testing as well as the value of testing for the corona virus antibody. They also discuss the way tests can be used to maximum benefit and the … Read more

DrLizMD: Hormones and Premature Aging

One question everyone over 50 asks is how do I stay young? Or put another way, how can I prevent premature aging? Hormones –there are many hormones in our body–can have a great effect on our body aging as well as whether we FEEL old before our time. Celebrating Act 2™’s regular contributing medical expert … Read more

Dr. Liz on Hormones Forever?

A specialist in Hormones, Dr Liz Lyster, answers her most Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) “Once I start on hormone replacement therapy do I have to stay on it forever?” The co-founders of Celebrating Act 2™have plenty of follow up questions which help clarify the very common therapy which engenders lots of confusion in both men … Read more