Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: Humphrey Bogart – Tough Guy?

What was Humphrey Bogart really like? Was he the tough guy he played so well? In this discussion about one of his favorite actors, Hollywood Historian Manny Pacheco not only talks about Bogie’s fabulous career, he takes us into his later life where he made different films…films that reflected who Bogart really was! Think you … Read more

Celebrating Act 2 at Cinecon 58:David Greim a Cinephile’s Choice

At Cinecon 58, Manny Pacheco of Forgotten Hollywood ran into fellow cinephile and old friend, David Greim, and spoke to him about what he as a festival attendee likes about CInecon. Greim, who as a member of the board at Hollywood Heritage, is a serious film fan and preservationist ,was able to put the yearly … Read more

Celebrating Act 2 at Cinecon 58: Manny Pacheco on Spencer Tracy

THE MAD GAME Cinecon is noted for the quality of their presenters as well as their programs. This year, author, broadcaster and Hollywood Historian, Manny Pacheco of Forgotten Hollywood, was asked to introduce a hidden gem starring Spencer Tracy, entitled “The Mad Game”. Tracy is not only an iconic Hollywood actor but a big favorite … Read more

Celebrating Act 2 at Cinecon 58: Manny Pacheco on Kinecon at Cinecon

While Cinecon is a “Film Festival,” it still has a number of screenings outside the strict parameter of ‘feature film’. One of those is Kinescopes of early TV Shows presented in a program called “KINECON at CINECON.” Manny Pacheco of Forgotten Hollywood, who hosted Celebrating Act 2’s location coverage of Cinecon, shares the Kinecon experience … Read more

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: Great But FORGOTTEN Dancers!

Once again Hollywood Historian Manny Pacheco delves into the forgotten details of the movies with a challenge to recall all the great actors and actresses who, despite being talented DANCERS, are remembered for everything but! Many of them hailed from Broadway or Vaudeville and rose to fame after getting a plum dramatic role in film. … Read more