Film Noir, Popular Again?

Is it true that Film Noir is making a comeback? Or maybe it never lost popularity. Manny Pacheco, Hollywood Historian and contributor to Celebrating Act 2™ discusses the popularity of Film Noir with John Coleman and Art Kirsch as well as its origins. Is film noir all about the anti-hero and femme fatale or is … Read more

Transform Your Life Part 1: How Our Brain Works

This is the FIRST of Steven R. Campbell’s four ‘foundational’ videos that explain the new science on how our brains work— and how he has developed a methodology to help you transform your life for the better with this new way of thinking. In part 1 he explains how our brain works –it believes EVERYTHING … Read more

The Greatest Year For Movies!

It’s a tall order, but Hollywood Historian, Manny Pacheco, is up to the challenge to pick the greatest year in the annals of movie-making. He’s actually got three –all from different decades—but narrows it down to one fabulous year. Can you guess what year and some of the fabulous movies that premiered? To prove his … Read more

New Year’s Binge Watching

What movies say “Happy New Year” to you? Or maybe you like to binge-watch a favorite series on TV. Manny Pacheco chats with Art and John of Celebrating Act 2™ about our movie viewing choices on the eve and day of New Years. Manny says that the most common activity is binge watching–old movies, or … Read more

Classic Christmas Movies

When the Christmas holidays roll around each year we turn to our favorite warm and fuzzy holiday movie for comfort. What’s yours? Hollywood Historian, Manny Pacheco, along with John Coleman and Art Kirsch of Celebrating Act 2™, share their favorites and discuss the seasonal popularity of certain films. We’ll bet your favorites is in the … Read more

Forgotten Studio Head

Irving Thalberg Hollywood Historian, Manny Pacheco, takes Art Kirsch and John Coleman of Celebrating Act 2™ back in time to the great movie making era of the 1930’s and 40’s to reintroduce them to one of the most creative and influential studio heads ever: Irving Thalberg. Mostly forgotten today, Thalberg was unique and prolific. They … Read more

Favorite Football Movies

Art and John of Celebrating Act 2™ chat with Manny Pacheco about football themed movies. As a Hollywood Historian, Manny brings to the conversation a perspective going back to the silent era. You’ll be surprised at the titles they come up with…some of which you’ll remember. But they can’t exhaust the subject so you will … Read more

Surprise: Same Day Coincidence

Hollywood Historian Manny Pacheco has a surprise for John Coleman and Art Kirsch of Celebrating Act 2™ — a series of historical film-related coincidences that will shock you and make you question your memory! Can you guess what he will be talking about? Watch and be surprised! and let us know what you think of … Read more

Great War Movies!

The drama of war has been captured in so many ways for so many years by cinema, it’s a question of what kind of war movie is best? Or is it? Join Manny Pacheco and Celebrating Act 2™’s Art Kirsch and John Coleman as the debate and ruminate about the different ways war has been … Read more

Movies About Presidents

Lots of movies include ‘the President’ as a character, but how many movies can you name that were really ABOUT a president real or fictional? Art and John put Hollywood Historian, Manny Pacheco to the test and in so doing have a fun time talking film!