Hooray For Social Media!

Quintessential Baby-Boomer, Bill Jordan, shares with Celebrating Act 2™ founders, Art Kirsch and John Coleman how social media is a blessing in this time of self-imposed quarantine against the COVID-19 corona virus. There’s some good advice and fun banter about how we can make a bad situation better…as well as Bill’s always supportive positive attitude.

If I only Knew Then!

With age comes perspective! Or maybe we just hope it does. Bill Jordan, creator of “Embrace The Boom” movement talks with Celebrating Act 2’s Art Kirsch and John Coleman about things we learn –or don’t learn– as we mature. The trio of boomers reflect on a great number of topics from money to relationships to … Read more

Resolutions & Personal Improvement

Why do we feel the need to make New Year’s Resolutions? And who actually keeps to them? Bill Jordan, creator of the inspirational “15 Practices,” discusses the pros & cons with John Coleman and Art Kirsch of Celebrating Act 2. There’s fun and self reflection as well as a little good advice on making positive … Read more

Even COVID-19 Has A Silver Lining!

Bill reports the COVID-19 situation in the Raleigh, NC area and how he is dealing with the Stay-at-Home order. He explains how his professional Voice-over business, for which he records in his home studio, has actually improved a little—as some other types of businesses might as well. As always, Bill has some thoughtful words about … Read more

How Do You Save Daylight Anyway?

Springtime and Fall may be inevitable but changing the clocks is not. Our favorite Baby-Boomer, Bill Jordan, talks with Art and John about something much too important for this crew to be trusted with — Daylight Saving Time! They have questions –and very few intelligent answers–but who cares? Is this what happens when you pass … Read more

Bill Jordan explains EMBRACE THE BOOM

Aging can be fun if you follow Bill Jordan, the creator and chief philosopher behind EMBRACE THE BOOM. Celebrating Act 2.com’s Art & John talk to Bill for the first time and discover a new guru for Baby Boomers (and anyone else over 50!) Bill Jordan is positive, entertaining and upbeat but his message is … Read more