Dr. Liz MD: Memory Loss & Dementia

How do you tell the difference between a common forgetful “Senior Moment” or short term memory loss an more serious dementia? Does one lead to the other? Dr. Liz answers our question and explains what we need to know… This is important for folks of all ages! For more information about Dr. Liz MD, visit … Read more

Dr. Liz MD: UPDATE on Menopause and Hormone Therapy!

As a member of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), Dr Liz gets all the updates on the professional society’s position papers. Here, she shares with us the latest information on Menopause and Hormone Therapy including opinions on benefits and risks, increased emphasis on certain aspects of care and therapy for certain patients well as … Read more

Dr. Liz MD: LabTests–What’s the Real Value?

Lab tests are increasing in popularity among doctors and other medical professionals. For good reason. But there are some cautions associated with them, which Dr Liz discusses in this video –along with the patient’s responsibilities. It’s a simple subject but very important and should not be overlooked! For more information about Dr. Liz MD, visit … Read more

Dr. Liz MD: Testosterone – How to take it!

Those who are taking Testosterone know that there are some challenges in administering the hormone. Dr LIZ, MD explains why it cannot be taken by what many consider the easiest method–Orally– and discusses delivery by sub-lingual, sub-cutaneous, topical and other methods…including a relatively unknown method: Pellets! It’s an interesting look at the practical side of … Read more

Dr. Liz MD: Best Ways To Take Medications

Why do we take certain medications in a different way than others? For example, Why can’t I take a pill instead of get an injection? In this video Dr. LIZ MD explains the reason behind the many methods of administering our meds. You’ll be fascinated by the science behind it all and learn about things … Read more

Dr. Liz MD: Facial Hair In Women

The medical term is HIRSUTISM or excessive hair. It can be a real problem for women and Dr Liz explores its most common underlying causes and solutions. This is a valuable video. For more information about Dr. Liz MD, visit her website at DrLizMD.com

Dr. Liz MD: What is Semaglutide and WEIGHT LOSS?

Dr. Liz has some amazing news! She explains how sometimes the unintended side effects of a drug can be harnessed for other use. That’s the case with a class of drugs called SEMAGUTIDES. Originally part of treatment for Diabetes, this class of drugs was separated, studied, tested and will soon be approved for use in … Read more

Dr. Liz MD: Urinary Tract Infection – In Men, Women and Elders!

What’s the difference between the urinary tract in Men and Women? How does age effect urinary tract infections? This video is a revealing look at an important system in our body, how it can be vulnerable to infection and affect different groups. For more information about Dr. Liz MD, visit her website at DrLizMD.com

Dr. Liz MD: About Drug Development

The modern pharmaceutical industry is responsible for a number of “Miracle ” drugs that have changed our health and longevity for the better. As consumers we need to understand this process. In this video Dr Liz explains the procedure and some of the actual stories behind some of the most popular–and important –new drugs in … Read more

Dr. Liz MD: Sex Drive Differences Between Men and Women

Dr Liz presents some very illustrative research that documents the differences between Men and Women’s SEX DRIVE! She takes the time to explain how these differences come into play in our sexual relationships. It’s an intelligent and enlightening conversation at the same time it is mature and frank! For more information about Dr. Liz MD, … Read more