Bill A Jones Sings with The A Players

Unknown to many of the fans of his TV Acting, Bill A. Jones is also an accomplished singer. We would even say crooner! Celebrating Act 2 was fortunate to capture some of his nightclub act which he performs a few times a year. Backed by The A Players with charts by Paul McDonald, in this … Read more

The A Players “At The Mambo Inn”

We recorded the A Players as part of the Bill A. Jones concert we captured for Celebrating Act 2™. Band leader Paul McDonald has the six musicians sounding like a classic big band — perfect for Bill A. Jones singing the great standards. But they are a fantastic band in their own right as you … Read more

Milford Zornes – A Lifetime of Change

 Milford Zornes’ first 22 years of life is about a kid who really had no direction.He had learned to draw because his mother said ‘here, take this pencil and go draw a picture’ because he’s on the farm with his sister and he has nothing to do.  It keeps him busy.  He gets pretty good … Read more

The Art Of Changing

Licensed Therapist Lesa Vander Bie took up painting to deal with grief and discovered a part of herself she didn’t know existed! Now both as a successful emerging artist and a successful professional therapist, Lesa shared her joyous story with Celebrating Act 2™ as a lesson for everyone over 50 who may want to make … Read more

Now Hear This! You Can Change Careers and Find Your Dream Job!

Take it from a guy who’s been there — Brian Page has had many successful careers until all of a sudden they weren’t!  It happens to very many people especially as you get older.  And it’s often harder to reinvent yourself when you’re 50 or over…  But  Brian offers good advice and perspective for landing … Read more


As one of the leading research centers in the US dedicated to Alzheimer’s and Dementia, UCI Mind is at the forefront in finding a cure. In this segment, two of the institute’s top researchers, Megan Witbracht, Ph.D., Associate Project Scientist, and Elizabeth Sosa, Ph.D., Registered Psychologist, discuss how they work with patients and families and … Read more

Alzheimer’s Or Just ‘Senior Moments’ ?

If you’re worried about Alzheimer’s or dementia in yourself or your loved one you will often wonder about those little “Senior Moments.” How serious are they? Are they related to Alzheimer’s? An early warning sign perhaps? In this video, UCI MIND Associate Project Scientist, Megan Witbracht, Ph.D. and Registered Psychologist, Elizabeth Sosa, Ph.D., discuss the … Read more

Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Reducing Risk

Psychologist, Elizabeth Sosa, Ph.D., discuss the causes. These top researchers go through both genetic and lifestyle influences and list a number of helpful things one can do to reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s: Early Treatments and Clinical Trials at UCI MIND

Researchers at UCI Mind are now finding some brain abnormalities which allow them to assess Alzheimer’s before symptoms even occur! This early diagnosis allows early treatment and holds great potential. UCI MIND researchers, Associate Project Scientist Megan Witbracht, Ph.D. and Registered Psychologist Elizabeth Sosa, Ph.D., discuss this exciting development and mention how you can sign … Read more

Bodybuilding – Valuable At Any Age

Gail Bell, at 58 years old, has been a Bodybuilder for almost 30 years and encourages everyone to give the sport a try. It’s not what you think! She explains how easy it is to start and how to do it safely. Gail particularly recommends it for post-menopausal women. Her Daughter, Gaelyn, who now trains … Read more