Clarissa Burt: From Model to Media Mogul

Clarissa Burt’s journey to entrepreneur – TV/Video producer, public speaker, author, writer, inventor, award-Winning actress and entertainer has all the makings of a best selling novel. At 18, Clarissa was a top model with the Wilhelmina modeling agency in Manhattan. Soon after she moved to Milan and quickly began appearing on hundreds of magazine covers … Read more

Money Fears & Retirement Income

Bill Jordan, John Coleman and Art Kirsch discuss the common fear among seniors: running out of money in retirement. They share different philosophies of handling their investments as well as information and opinion about Social Security and when to begin taking benefits. It’s a wide ranging discussion which includes IRA and Roth IRA. They may … Read more

Dr. Liz on Hormones Forever?

A specialist in Hormones, Dr Liz Lyster, answers her most Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) “Once I start on hormone replacement therapy do I have to stay on it forever?” The co-founders of Celebrating Act 2™have plenty of follow up questions which help clarify the very common therapy which engenders lots of confusion in both men … Read more

Picking the Perfect Pet – Pocket Pets

In her efforts to help us find the perfect pet just right for us, Sarah Surritt looks at the pros and cons of ‘Pocket Pets’ –those cute, small critters like mice and hamsters that can fit in your pocket! Sarah is one of a number of regular contributors who bring their expert advice to Celebrating … Read more

Great Restaurants Selling Great Wines at Discount!

Can you believe a famous restaurant which can normally sell a great wine from their cellar for well over $100 offering it at a discount of up to 50%? Food and travel writer, John Mariani of Virtual Gourmet, Tells Art and John it’s actually happening now! The Great Restaurants are reduced to doing only take-out … Read more

Manny Pacheco on The Singing Cowboys of Yesteryear

John Coleman and Art Kirsch, of Celebrating Act 2™ probe Hollywood Historian Manny Pacheco about the short-lived trend of Singing Cowboys in film and TV. While Roy Rogers and Gene Autry are most famous because they transitioned to TV many other great names are discussed including Tex Ritter, Monte Hale and Eddie Dean. Their musical … Read more

Boomer’s Advice on COVID-19

There’s lots of information on the web and on TV about the Corona Virus, COVID-19. Some of it is technical and some of it is instructional from various authorities …but no one had good advice from the heart like Bill Jordan. in this video founding partners of Celebrating Act 2™ talk with Bill about what … Read more

DrLizMD: Facts On Male Menopause

The founders of Celebrating Act 2™, Art Kirsch and John Coleman, turn to contributing medical expert, Dr Liz Lyster MD for the facts on what many consider to be only a myth: MALE MENOPAUSE! Dr Liz sets the record straight and explains about natural hormone production in the body as well as hormone replacement therapy. … Read more

Picking Your Perfect Pet: Outdoor Cats

If you’re thinking of getting a CAT, animal behaviorist and training expert, Sarah Surritt, has some advice about the PROS and CONS of making your cat and outdoor pet. It’s one of many videos she’s doing for Celebrating Act 2 about finding the perfect pet–for everyone! Some very interesting information as well as good advice!

5 Tips to Pick The Perfect Pet

Celebrating Act 2™ invited Animal Behavior and Training Consultant, Sarah Surritt of Get Pawsitive, to help seniors (and others) pick just the right pet for them. Sarah starts with 5 keywords to guide you BEFORE you buy or adopt a pet of any kind! It’s good advice for every animal lover!