Movie Moguls–What Did They DO?

We’ve all heard the names of the famous Movie Moguls: Mack Sennett, CB DeMille, Adolph Zucker, Harry Warner, Louis B Mayer and many more…But what did they really do? And what is a ‘mogul’? Hollywood Historian, Manny Pacheco of “Forgotten Hollywood” not only identifies many of the big names but details the kind of power … Read more

Dr Liz MD: Breast Cancer and SOY!

To SOY …or not to SOY? Celebrating Act 2’s medical expert, Dr Liz Lyster, explains that Soy had been alternately considered good and bad for breast cancer patients. She takes us through the history of medical reaction to the use of soy in the diet as well as the scientific reasoning …and brings us up … Read more

Donnalynn Polito Short & Sweet Tips: Side Elbow Plank + About Stress

Exercise & Nutrition Expert, Donnalynn Polito, continues her series of videos combining one short exercise with one ‘sweet’ tip about nutrition and eating well. The result is an easy way to stay fit and healthy at any age! Donnalynn explains how today’s exercise, the Side Elbow Plank , will help you physically as well as … Read more

Bill Jordan: The Music Of Our Youth

There’s that certain song –that golden oldie –that takes you back to your youth–to a specific moment where you were and what you were doing and whom you were with. It happens to all of us. Bill Jordan, creator of Embrace The Boom, shares some of those memories with fellow baby boomers, Art Kirsch and … Read more

What Customers Should Know Before Criticizing a Restaurant POST-Pandemic!

It’s more than about good manners–it’s a discussion about just how demanding and critical a customer should be, really at any time, but certainly in the wake of the COVID Pandemic. As an expert food writer and restaurant critic, John Mariani, publisher of The Virtual Gourmet newsletter, certainly knows the boundaries of fair critique. He … Read more

Donnalynn Polito Short & Sweet Tips: Oblique Jack + Try New Foods–Hemp Hearts

Exercise & Nutrition Expert, Donnalynn Polito, continues her series of videos combining one short exercise with one ‘sweet’ tip about nutrition and eating well. The result is an easy way to stay fit and healthy at any age! Donnalynn explains how today’s exercise, the Oblique Jack, will help you physically as well as encouraging you … Read more

Michele Fabrega on Acting Your Age — WHY?

Yes, there’s still a little bit of child in each of us no matter how old we get. In this video, Celebrating Act 2’s Love and Relationship expert, Michel Fabrega explains why it’s important to nurture your inner child and regain some of the playfulness and youthful mindset many older people deride! ‘Growing UP” doesn’t … Read more

Manny Pacheco’s Fav 50 Film of the 21st Cent (so far)

Hollywood Historian Manny Pacheco makes it clear that his favorite films are not necessarily his choices for BEST Films! Nevertheless, he’s chosen his FAV 50 of the 21st century –so far. See if you agree with his choices…many will also be among everyone’s pick for BEST film as well!

Efficacy of Mammography & Thermography for Breast Cancer

There’s been some controversy about the efficacy of mammograms to detect breast cancer. Dr Liz Lyster addresses it and talks about recent scientific studies. She also addresses thermography and explains the differences. No matter what your age you will want to hear Dr Liz’s straight forward discussion on this topic.