Debbie Weiss, The Hungover Widow; New Video Series on Middle Aged Dating

John and Art of Celebrating Act 2­™ welcome new contributor, Debbie Weiss, aka “The Hungover Widow,” to Celebrating Act 2. A popular blogger and author, Debbie will be the resident expert on MIDDLE-AGED DATING with regular video contributions to the Celebrating Act 2 streaming channel. She promises to share honest, first hand experiences, as well … Read more

Let’s TALK about Illness, Aging and DEATH!

Often we find it difficult to express our feelings and thoughts about some of the most important matters. Illness, Aging and Death are at the top of the list for most avoided subjects of conversation! Love and Relationship Coach, Michele Fabrega, shares with Celebrating Act 2™ just why this is and why we should openly … Read more

The Legacy of Lon Chaney

One of the most creative and influential actors in film history, Lon Chaney, also created a multi-generational legacy through his son. Hollywood Historian explains how Chaney and his son literally changed the whole genre of horror and monster movies. You’ll be surprised at the details Manny gives of both generations.

Donnalynn Polito Short & Sweet Tips: Supine Pilates Inverted Plié + Fasting

Exercise & Nutrition Expert, Donnalynn Polito, continues her series of videos combining one short exercise with one ‘sweet’ tip about nutrition and eating well. The result is an easy way to stay fit and healthy at any age! Donnalynn explains how today’s exercise, the Supine Pilates Inverted Plié, will help you physically as well as … Read more

Brain Sharpness: Hormones and Lifestyle

As we age we all want to keep sharp and be mentally acute. What does that entail? Dr Liz Lyster, a regular expert contributor to Celebrating Act 2™ talks about that with founders of Celebrating Act 2, Art Kirsch and John Coleman. In the process , Dr Liz explains two important factors effecting our brain … Read more

The Brain Whisperer: Dealing with Drinking and Drugs

This video could be considered part 2 of our video on changing habits, but as Steven Campbell explains to Celebrating Act 2™, Drinking and Drugs rise to the level of addictions which may have many complicated causes, possibly including biological, environmental, psychological and certainly the chemicals in the substances being abused. Nevertheless, The Brain Whisper … Read more

Bill Jordan: The Importance of Volunteering For Charity!

Bill Jordan discovered long ago, the real winners are the volunteers giving time and energy to charity work. He recounts almost 20 years involvement in a “Radiothon” raising money for a Children’s Hospital and all the unexpected benefits he received. Of course, those benefits were emotional rewards not physical or monetary…but he considers them more … Read more

Donnalynn Polito Short & Sweet Tips: Sumo Squat + Increase Metabolism

Exercise & Nutrition Expert, Donnalynn Polito, continues her series of videos combining one short exercise with one ‘sweet’ tip about nutrition and eating well. The result is an easy way to stay fit and healthy at any age! Donnalynn explains how today’s exercise, the Sumo Squat, will help you physically as well as encouraging you … Read more

John Mariani, The VIrtual Gourmet: Tipping, a U.S. Phenomenon

It’s controversial, and it’s unique to the U.S.! So Why do we do it? What’s a ‘fair’ tip and does it really stand for “To Insure Promptness? These and many other aspects of tipping are explored in this free ranging discussion about the practice of tipping our servers in restaurants! It’s the kind of talk … Read more

Boost Your Relationship with MEDITATION!

Looking for a way to take your relationship to a new level? Celebrating Act 2’s favorite relationship expert, Coach MIchele Fabrega, explains how meditation can help. It’s a fascinating concept and to many counterintuitive…but one that works. Try it and Let us know what you think!