Michele Fabrega: Is It Our Job To Make Our Partner Happy?

In this video Love and Relationship Coach Michele Fabrega makes it clear to Celebrating Act 2™ that only we have the final power to make ourselves happy. And our partner, loving and caring as they may be, can support and assist, but ultimately is not responsible for our happiness. Of course there’s a lot more … Read more

The Brain Whisperer: How to Deal With the COVID Pandemic

Pandemic getting to you with all the restrictions and protocols? Do you find yourself giving up? The Brain Whisperer, Steve Campbell tells Celebrating Act 2™ four specific ways you can fight all the negative feelings you have. Is it all in your mind? No, but your mental attitude is crucial to your survival and mental … Read more

Job Fairs Want Seniors!

Celebrating Act 2™ went to a local California Job Fair and found that not only is it typical of Job Fairs all across the country but that in many cases seniors are actually in demand as employees! We also met many of the people who can help those in their Act2 prepare to get back … Read more

Underrated Director ‘Wild Bill’ Wellman

Hollywood Historian Manny Pacheco shares details with Celebrating Act 2™ about the exploits and accomplishments of director, William “Wild Bill” Wellman. Despite his involvement in many iconic films such as A Star Is Born, Wings and Public Enemy, to name a few, Wellman is often underrated as a director and writer. Manny explains how Wellman’s … Read more

Dr Liz MD: Balance & Strength for Seniors

Did you know that As we age, men lose 1 lb of muscle per year after age 20! For both women and men maintaining muscle means the ability to balance and other important effects. Dr Liz talks here about the various components that go into our ability to balance including exercise which helps our brain … Read more

Donnalynn Polito Short & Sweet Tips: Trapezius Lift + Organ Meats

Exercise & Nutrition Expert, Donnalynn Polito, continues her series of videos combining one short exercise with one ‘sweet’ tip about nutrition and eating well. The result is an easy way to stay fit and healthy at any age! Donnalynn explains how today’s exercise, Trapezius Lift will help you physically as well as encouraging you to … Read more

Bill Jordan’s Practice #1

As the founder of the EMBRACE THE BOOM Movement, Baby-Boomer Bill Jordan has developed what he calls his “15 Practices” for happy living. Founders of Celebrating Act 2™, Art Kirsch and John Coleman, present Bill as their Baby-Boomer Philosopher and he doesn’t shrink from the title. In this episode Bill explains his Practice #1 and … Read more