Donnalynn Polito: Short & Sweet Tips: 2 for 1 for the Holidays!

Celebrating Act 2™’s Fitness and nutrition Expert, Donnalynn Polito, is joined by her business partner and fellow trainer from for a Holiday Special where each offers a great exercise and a healthy nutritional tip for Thanksgiving and all the upcoming Holidays! With Jennifer joining in it becomes a 2 for 1: Yes, 4 great … Read more

Best Thing About Being 67 (or older)

Remember the Beatles Song, “When I’m 64”? Now, baby-boomer/philosopher Bill Jordan is 67 and feels 40…so what age is really old? As Bill chats with Art and John of Celebrating Act 2™ (The User Manual for the 2nd Half Of Your Life) they share some of the wonderful benefits of getting older…even at the ripe … Read more

The Brain Whisperer: Rethinking The Holidays

The year-end Holiday season –starting generally around Halloween and often extending past New Year’s– is often a cause for dread rather than joyful anticipation. The Brain Whisper, Steven Campbell, tells Celebrating Act 2 that it doesn’t have to be that way! He explains how our brain works and how we can replace the negative images … Read more

Friends with “Benefits” – Is it for me?

Love and Relationship Coach, Michele Fabrega, has a frank discussion with Art and John about the value of a sexual relationship without any emotional commitment. They discuss the emotional ups and downs and what can go wrong as well as how the participants may benefit.

Donnalynn Polito Short & Sweet Tips: Lateral Walk + Healthy Fats

Exercise & Nutrition Expert, Donnalynn Polito, continues her series of videos combining one short exercise with one ‘sweet’ tip about nutrition and eating well. The result is an easy way to stay fit and healthy at any age! Donnalynn explains how today’s exercise, Lateral Walk will help you physically as well as encouraging you to … Read more

Manny Pacheco on The Famous Hollywood Alley

Hollywood Historian, Manny Pacheco shares tales of an old alley in Hollywood famous as the location of many Silent Films. He was at the recent gala dedication of the “Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd Alley” which has recently been designated as an official landmark & explains to Celebrating Act 2™ it was named after three of the most famous … Read more

What is it about Home Made Ice Cream?

Have you ever tried to make HOME MADE Ice Cream? Bill Jordan, creator of the Embrace The Boom movement has…and he recounts the travail and rewards of his adventure in this video. Along with Art Kirsch and John Coleman of Celebrating Act 2™ Bill has a good time sharing what he’s learned not just about … Read more