Let’s Get Naked!

Yes, Love and Relationship Coach, Michel Fabrega wants us to get NAKED!…but it’s not necessarily sexual! Or is it? You’ll have to watch to see why she’s calling for us to stop hiding behind our clothes! For more on Love & Relationship Coach, Michele Fabrega, go to www.MicheleFabrega.com Visit our website www.CelebratingAct2.com Celebrating Act 2 … Read more

Donnalynn Polito Short & Sweet Tips: Back Arm Grab + Fat Biology

Exercise & Nutrition Expert, Donnalynn Polito, continues her series of weekly videos combining one short exercise with one ‘sweet’ tip about nutrition and eating well. The result is an easy way to stay fit and healthy at any age! Donnalynn explains how today’s exercise, the “Back Arm Grab”, will help you physically as well as … Read more

Dr LIZ MD: How Up-To-Date is Your Doctor?

As a long-practicing MD, Dr. Liz knows how important it is for medical pros to stay current with all the developments which occur in the medical field every year. In this video she suggests that you as a consumer need to know just how up-to-date- your doctor is! She discusses how doctors continue their eduction … Read more

Takin’ My Act 2 On The Road! Manny Pacheco talks with TV Host Pat Pattison

Nationally Syndicated TV Host/Producer Pat Pattison tells Celebrating Act 2™’s Manny Pacheco about the origins of his successful TV Series, “Best Of California.” The show was conceived after a long career as a television executive as part of his Act 2. An alternative to retirement, the TV series takes him to fascinating places and allows … Read more

The Brain Whisperer, Steve Campbell: Optimism In A Troubled World

Are you a Pessimist …or an Optimist? How can you be positive in such a negative environment –politics, world conflicts, economic woes and more? Isn’t there always something to worry about? Steve Campbell teaches us how to deal with the bad stuff in life–large or small — by sharing the brain secret that optimists use, … Read more

Meditation and Mindfulness for Boomers

Celebrating Act 2’s favorite Baby-Boomer Philosopher, Bill Jordan explores the value of Meditation and Mindfulness for baby boomers and beyond. For more on Bill Jordan and Embrace The Boom go to www.BillJordanEmbraceTheBoom.com Also, Visit our website www.CelebratingAct2.com Celebrating Act 2™ is the User Manual For The 2nd Half Of Your Life …And please subscribe to … Read more

Selling the Business to RETIRE! Tim & Linda Keenan

When it comes to retirement planning and actually retiring, the process can be very different for a small business owner than for an employee. Tim and Linda Keenan ran a small, successful audio studio for almost 40 years when they finally decided to retire. As friends of Celebrating Act 2 founders, Art and John, they … Read more

Donnalynn Polito Short & Sweet Tips: Bend Over Military Press + Keep it Fresh

Exercise & Nutrition Expert, Donnalynn Polito, continues her series of weekly videos combining one short exercise with one ‘sweet’ tip about nutrition and eating well. The result is an easy way to stay fit and healthy at any age! Donnalynn explains how today’s exercise, the”Bend Over Military Press”, will help you physically as well as … Read more