CALL or TEXT 988 If you are experiencing an emotional crisis. 988 is a 24/7 National Crisis Hotline to get immediate help.
ASK THE LOVE COACH – A New Video Series
After a few years of hosting videos featuring Love & Relationship Coach Michele Fabrega discussing how to thrive in relationships, Celebrating Act 2™ has created a new series of shows in which Coach Michele addresses specific relationship problems of real people. The show is called, “Ask The Love Coach.”
You Can Participate!
We want to hear from YOU and other folks about the real-life relationship problems you deal with every day! In each show Coach Michele will address a number of letters/emails giving the useful, practical, frank — and sometimes explicit feedback for which she is known.
The Love Coach™ Is On A Mission . . .
To help real people with real problems! Any personal relationship is applicable: relatives; friends; spouses; children; sexual partners; business co-workers or bosses; even casual dealings with people, such as authority figures, store clerks, service providers, etc. Any kind of issue is worthy if it is a personal problem for you! Tell us about it! Get it off your chest. If we select your letter for our show, you'll be helping yourself as well as others in our audience with the same problem.
Sample Episodes
Ask The Love Coach addresses a wide variety of personal issues. Here are a few examples.
ASK THE LOVE COACH - Submit Your Question
What You Need To Know
When you fill out our Contact Form on this page and share your relationship problem, you remain anonymous. If you give us your real name, we will not publicly use it or any information that could identify you. We may change names or other details of your story for any purpose, including anonymity. Your story and any details you submit to us become the property of Ask The Love Coach™ and Celebrating Act 2™.
Be Honest And Share Your Feelings
The relevant details and the context of your situation are important. For instance, include the ages of the people involved, gender identities, details about the relationship, how close you are, etc. With all the detail and background we’re asking for, your problem may be complicated. So, be sure to ask Coach Michele specifically what it is you want her to help you with!
We Want You To Know
The Love Coach is trained and certified in coaching, counseling and mediation and has lots of experience and expertise from her own practice, reading, trainings, and working with clients. She loves to help people find solutions to their relationship problems which will allow them to find and sustain satisfying connections with others.
A relationship coach can be your ally and your guide, helping you cultivate the friendships and relationships which are mutually loving, nourishing, supportive and expansive. They can help you determine what is working well, what needs to change, what skills you can develop, and the encouragement and support to make those changes so that you can have the relationships you desire. Coach Michele makes every effort to offer her best perspective and practical solutions for personal issues brought to her…and in the case of Ask The Love Coach, to do it with honesty and wit so others can find useful advice in every answer.
The Love Coach is not a therapist, social worker, licensed mental health professional, lawyer, or certified financial advisor.
The Love Coach Is Available For Private Coaching Sessions
If you would like personal support, book a session with Michele Fabrega. Click here: APPOINTMENT
CALL or TEXT 988 If you are experiencing an emotional crisis. 988 is a 24/7 National Crisis Hotline to get immediate help.