This is information about the founders, how we came up with the idea, and terms and conditions of use.

PBS Broadcasts Interview With CelebratingAct2™ Founders
John & I were guests on the PBS show “Everybody With Angela Williamson”. We were invited to discuss CelebratingAct2™, its ...

About The Founders
Art Kirsch & John Coleman recognized there was no entertainment oriented TV shows serving the 50+ age group, so they ...
Our Mission
In Life, as in the Theater, Act 2 is where all the interesting stuff happens! Act 1 is just an ...
Why Only 5 Topics?
A little organization goes a long way! As Art and I looked at all the things about which we wanted ...
Start Up Progress Report
John and I thank you for all of the input we have been receiving these past few weeks. We appreciate ...
Ready, Set, Go
My partner John Coleman and I have been developing an exciting service for people over 50 who are healthier, more ...